Hour of Code!


All 5th and 6th graders that have STEM class participated in this year's Hour of Code to celebrate Computer Science Education Week last week. Hour of Code was designed as a way to show kids that anybody can learn the basics of coding. The computational thinking skills learned while coding help students in all content areas since they foster problem-solving, logic, creativity, and critical thinking.

All STEM students are enrolled in a code.org course and can work on their skills anytime by logging in to code.org with their DC Google account.

Want to try coding yourself? Check out the slide below to see the Hour of Code activities we used in class. 

5th Grade Paper Towers

5th graders applied their knowledge of strong shapes (triangles) and columns (cylinders) to complete a design challenge... build the tallest, stable, free-standing tower using only 15 pieces of paper and 3 feet of tape. We had a variety of ideas both in the initial design and in modifications. Our tallest tower was 68 inches tall!